Time-Sensitive Projects
Trying to get your project built fast? The coming of winter can become a serious time-crunch for construction. That’s why we use GPS (Global Positioning System) technology.
Prior to any work, our team can accurately measure an existing land site, and determine how the land will evolve during & after construction. This automated, real-time data enables us to survey and excavate much faster & avoid mistakes that lead to costly delays.
Choose LeFrois to quickly complete your construction project with our GPS technology.
How GPS Technology Works
GPS technology advancements in the construction industry is revolutionizing the way that site work projects are constructed.
We can now perform layouts for utilities and building foundations quickly and accurately to speed up the construction cycle.
We can accurately predict the specific cuts and fills of dirt on site to ensure the earthwork will balance – ensuring no costly change orders if there is a need to export or import material.